12. mar 2020


Due to sudden changes regarding the Covid-19 epidemic, we must react accordingly and will stream the event over the internet. The conference will still be held at Hilton Hotel Nordica, open by invitation only and we urge you to watch the live stream.

A link to the live stream will be available on

Tickets that have been purchased via will be refunded upon request sent to

**We recommend that people who have a fever or symptoms similar to the symptoms of the coronavirus COVID-19 do not attend. The main symptoms are: Temperature, coughing, tiredness, muscle and bone aches or headaches. Gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, diarrhoea) are not common COVID-19 symptoms but have been observed. It is important to closely monitor the recommendations of the Medical Director of Health, the latest of which may be found on the Director’s website. Instructions for persons at risk of COVID-19 infection were recently issued. In other respects, the basic message is as follows:

✓ Hygiene is of the greatest importance: Wash hands thoroughly and often with soap and water. It is a good idea to also use an alcohol-based hand rub if your hands are not visibly dirty.

✓ If you need to cough or sneeze it is better to do so into your elbow or a tissue and not into your hands or into the air.

✓ Take care to touch your face as little as possible with your hands, e.g. eyes, mouth and nose as these are all pathways for the virus to enter your body.

✓ Avoid hugging, kissing and snuggling, smile instead. This enables you to avoid infection and to avoid infecting others.

✓ Avoid close contact with those who are ill.

✓ Remain calm and follow instructions.

It is important that we all stand together in an effort to slow the spread of the virus.