Insurance for pilots
As we all know the pilot profession is in many ways unlike other professions. This comes into play when considering insurance, as many aspects can not only threaten our lives and health but can also lead to loss of licence, and thereby our work security.
APPN (Association de Prévoyance du Personnel Navigant) was founded in 1957 by our sister-association in France, Syndicat National des Pilotes de Lignes. Its purpose was to manage group insurance that enables pilots to insure themselves for loss of licence, temporary and permanent, as well as life insurance that is tailored to our profession. The need was great, but as traditional insurance companies are unfamiliar with the profession, they tend to overestimate the risks involved which raises their premiums. APPN now insures about 14000 professional technical flight personnel in France and abroad, or 60% of the whole profession
The board of APPN is elected every 5 years, from members of selected pilot unions, managing group insurances on behalf of the pilots.
Pilots in Iceland can also ensure themselves through APPN, and from May 1st 2020 FÍA and APPN have made an agreement and APPN will be offering FÍA members insurance at a special rate. The maximum age to join is 45 but for the next 6 months they will increase it to 50 years old.
Here below you can see the key documents that you can go over and decide which insurance plan is best for you. Tamara is the contact person in which you can contact if you have further questions and/or would like to apply.
APPN Contact info :