Félag íslenskra atvinnuflugmanna styður kjarabaráttu flugmanna Aeromexico Pilot Group.
Félagsmenn Aeromexico Pilot Group eru kjaraviðræðum við sinn vinnuveitanda um þessar mundir,
Félags íslenskra atvinnuflugmanna sendi þeim stuðningsyfirlýsingu og hana má sjá hér fyrir neðan:
September 24th 2024
Reykjavik, Iceland
Dear Captain Jesus Ortiz-Alvarez and secretary general CC: Sebastian Curras
This letter is written on behalf of the members and board of the Icelandic Airline Pilots Association (FIA) and fully reflects our combined opinion on the matters at hand.
Regarding the issue of the ASPA de Mexico, the Aeroméxico pilot group and the Aeroméxico Management.
We, the Icelandic Airline Pilots Association (FIA), are committed to working with ASPA to ensure that all members can expect and receive the right to open and constructive negotiations. It is clearly not an effective solution for any management group to dismiss, out of hand, any sensible negotiations by their employees.
We, the Icelandic Airline Pilots Association (FIA) are fully in support of ASPA working to secure a mutually acceptable outcome and if necessary, any industrial action that is needed in support of this effort.
With best regards,
Jonas Gudmundsson
Director of International Affairs
Icelandic Airline Pilots Association