Frequently Asked Questions

What can I use this service for?

You can use this service whenever you find value in talking to someone who understands your situation. This includes topics such as:

  • Psychological Well-Being - Discuss any mental health concerns you may have
  • Life Stressors and Changes - Navigate significant life events and transitions
  • Relationship or Family Problems - Get support with personal or professional relationships
  • Alcohol and Substance Problems - Get help with alcohol or substance related issues
  • Fatigue - Address issues related to tiredness and exhaustion
  • Work/Life Balance - Find ways to balance your professional and personal life
  • Bereavement - Cope with loss and grief
  • Simulator Check or Training Worries - Manage stress related to simulator checks or training
  • Work Pressures - Discuss stress and demands in your job
  • Colleague Concerns - Talk about concerns regarding a colleague's well-being
  • Financial Problems - Seek support for financial stress
  • Health Concerns - Address worries about your physical health

Our trained peers are here to support both your personal well-being and your professional role as a pilot. While they can't intervene on your behalf, offer expert advice, or directly resolve your issues, they have undergone extensive training to provide support to fellow pilots and are further supported by independent psychologists. They're ready to lend an empathetic ear, comprehend your challenges, and assist you in finding solutions or guiding you toward the appropriate resources

How severe should my issues be before contacting FÍA's Peer Support Programme?

You don’t need to wait for a crisis to reach out. It’s often best to address issues early on, preventing them from escalating. The sooner you contact us, the more effectively we can assist you.

However, if life feels particularly challenging and overwhelming, our peer support network is here for those moments, too.

In brief, how does the service work?

Simply send us a message via our contact form or call one of our trained peers. During the initial conversation, we'll discuss how we can best assist you or guide you in the right direction. Whether you have a specific request or are seeking support for a particular challenge, we are here to help.

Can I talk to a peer about issues I’m experiencing with my operator, and will this information be shared with my company?

If operational frustrations are significantly impacting your psychological well-being, we're here to provide support. Our service operates with strict confidentiality, meaning we won't share feedback about your concerns with the operator. However, we might be able to guide you to avenues where your voice is more likely to be heard and addressed.

Can I contact FÍA’s Peer Support Programme if I’m worried about a colleague?

While we encourage individuals to reach out directly, we understand that some may be hesitant or unaware of the impact of their situation. If you believe there is an immediate safety risk, it is important to take action as soon as possible. If you’re uncertain about whether to reach out, please contact us—we are here to support you in navigating these situations.

How can I provide feedback or make a complaint about the service?

If you have concerns or issues with our service, please let us know so we can address them. You can send your complaint directly to us at and we will handle it discreetly and appropriately.

If you prefer to direct your complaint elsewhere, you can sent it to FÍA at

What is the difference between the Support Committee (Stoðnefnd) and Peer Support?

The Support Committee has long been a part of the Icelandic Airline Pilots' Association, providing great support to its members. Recently, a Peer Support Programme has become mandatory under EASA regulations, following the changes introduced after the GermanWings accident in 2015. As a result, the Support Committee is now responsible for both the development and daily management of the Peer Support Programme.

The members of the Support Committee are also part of the Peer Support Programme team, as listed among our peers, and are available to provide support.